FAQ for guests

  • Can I reserve a vacation rental from your website?

Yes, you can book directly on our website using the Request to Book button.

  • Who can book at innerCircle?

Only members of YPO, EO and Tiger 21 can book at iC. Proof of membership will be required to confirm your booking.

  • What proof is required to confirm a booking?

    Send an email to concierge@stayinnercircle.com with one of the following: a recent email you received from the organization OR your annual membership dues receipt /confirmation email.

    • After I request to book a home, when will I hear back?

    iC will answer your request within 24-48 hours.

    • Are your vacation homes only found in iC?

    The majority of homes we offer are exclusive to iC and cannot be found elsewhere. In the event one of our homes is also on another vacation rental website, please contact us as we offer a best-rate guarantee for all bookings on iC.

    • How are payments managed?

    Along with your booking confirmation, you will receive wire transfer payment instructions or a secure credit card payment link for the deposit to secure your home.

    • What is the minimum length of stay?

    The minimum length of stay depends on each homeowner and can be found in the property details.

    • What are the Cancellation & Refund policies?

    The cancellation policy is determined by each individual homeowner. Below are the four options that homeowners offer.

    Flexible: 100% refund if canceled 72 hours prior to arrival

      Moderate: 100% refund if canceled 7 days prior to arrival

      Firm: 100% refund if canceled 30 days prior to arrival


      Or any other customized by each owner.

      • Do you allow early check in or late check out?

      You can request early check in or late check out after confirming the booking and it must be approved by the homeowner. The homeowner may charge a fee for this.